What would you value most in a data recovery solution should you lose an important document? Would it be speed, convenience, or ease of use? These things surely matter for all kinds of computer software, but data recovery has one specific demand that outweighs everything else by a huge margin. This factor is reliability of … Read More
Imagine you are part of MySpace, and that you have plenty of friends. Besides having a lot of friends, there will also be new ones who might approach you. You can also ??? meet a lot of acquaintances for various reasons. The profile will have to look interesting; else no one will be able to take any sort of interest in them… Read More
Google’s PageRank (PR) system continues to ever-more dominate the internet! It seems that Google’s skyrocketing influence on all-thing-internet matches the upward trajectory of its common stock shares. So, how does a website end up with a high (or, conversely, low) Page Ranking from Google. Even more importantl… Read More
The use of wireless headsets has increased significantly over the past several years. Whether you are operating a radio, and Ipod, a cellular phone, or just a standard telephone, there are great advantages to using them. First, they are convenient. ??? The elimination of a cord allows you to move about freely, and the signa… Read More
Push to talk is often confused as being the same thing as a two way radio. While it is true that two way radios use push to talk communication (think walkie-talkies), push to talk or PTT is a feature that can be added on to a cell phone plan for use on your cell phone. Two way radios on the other hand, are simply two way ra… Read More